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Prototype Test.
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35 Act. - 39 Dev.
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35 Act. - 39 Dev.
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Release of the IPHE Working Paper Ver1 Oct 2021
Methodology for Determining the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated with the Production of Hydrogen
The goal of this IPHE Working Paper is to trigger a process and take initial steps to develop a mutually agreed methodology for determining the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of a unit of hydrogen.
This work is in part a response to the Hydrogen Energy Ministerial 2018, where Ministers through the “Tokyo Statement” asked leading organizations including the IPHE to take action individually and collaboratively to facilitate the goal to develop a hydrogen economy including to evaluate the potential of hydrogen and its effects on carbon dioxide and other emission reductions, both upstream and downstream across a variety of hydrogen production pathways.
Application of this type of methodological work will help facilitate the market valuation and international trade in ‘clean’ hydrogen by outlining a common approach established through collaborative work by several countries, noting that the work does not necessarily reflect the views of individual IPHE member countries. Specifically, trade will benefit from common international standards for the safe transport and storage of large volumes of hydrogen, and from tracing the environmental
impacts of different hydrogen supplies.
This draft framework presents a methodological approach that will be built upon over time, potentially covering additional production pathways and other parts of the value chain such as different hydrogen physical states and energy carriers, and emissions due to the transportation to the usage gate. The current production pathways in this iteration of the framework document are:
Steam Methane Reforming with Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Industrial Bi-Product
Coal Gasification with Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Please find the IPHE Working Paper here
1. The IPHE, started in 2003 and today consisting of 21 countries and the European Commission, is a government-to-government initiative that facilitates information sharing on the latest hydrogen and fuel cell R&D, codes, standards and safety, and infrastructure developments. The IPHE also facilitates collaboration and cooperation on issues of mutual interest through the IPHE's Working Groups: the Education & Outreach Working Group, and the Regulations, Codes, Standards & Safety Working Group, and through two current Task Forces: the Hydrogen
Production Analysis Task Force, and the Hydrogen Trade Rules Task