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IPHE Workshop:  Toward a Clean and Sustainable Hydrogen Supply Chain

Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan | May 9, 2018



There are significant opportunities for IPHE Member Countries to collaborate in Power-to-Gas with Japanese stakeholders.  Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA) has extensive Research, Development, and Demonstration activities in CO2 free hydrogen technologies (See Site Visit Presentation "Outline of Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA)".         

Expected Outcome:

  • Clean, sustainably produced hydrogen is a key component in the world economy to meet environmental objectives

  • Learn about the latest developments and challenges in the generation of clean hydrogen in Japan.  The discussions will highlight the “Establishment of CO2-Free Hydrogen Supply Chains,” defined as Phase 3 in Japan’s Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells



IPHE Workshop:  Toward a Clean and Sustainable Hydrogen Supply Chain

Welcome Addresses

Tim KARLSSON, Executive Director of the IPHE, "Growing Role of Hydrogen in the Economy"

Yoshiteru SATO, Executive Director, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

Akiyoshi HASHIMOTO, Director General, Commerce Industry, Labour Department, Fukushima Prefecture


Session 1: Approaches & Actions to Increase the Use of Clean Hydrogen  

Leading jurisdictions are actively exploring and evaluating initiatives and approaches to produce and use clean hydrogen.  This includes the use of renewable energy sources to generate hydrogen, the production of hydrogen as a bi-product, or from carbon-based energy sources with carbon capture and storage.  Speakers will present the latest developments, and, identify challenges and next steps to reaching this objective.


Session 2:  Activities in the Fukushima Prefecture


Japan is a global leader in putting in place initiatives and taking action to demonstrate and deploy hydrogen technologies to help meet their medium and long-term economic and environmental objectives.  Speakers will present the hydrogen strategy in their organization, identifying the issues, the key drivers, the latest developments, and the next steps.

  • The Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute (FREA) “FREA’s R&D Activities on CO2-Free Hydrogen” Hirohide FURUTANI, Director, the Renewable Energy Research Center, FREA

  • New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization “Power-to-Gas Demonstration in Fukushima” Daishu HARA, Director, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology Group, New Energy Technology Department, NEDO

Closing Remarks

  • Hirohide FURUTANI, Director, the Renewable Energy Research Center, FREA

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