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IPHE Forum Yokohama:  Increasing Role of Hydrogen in the Economy

Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan | May 8, 2018


Many countries are implementing policies and taking action on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH).  Numerous policy goals including climate change, clean air, and energy security are moving countries to develop electro-mobility that includes both “Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)” and deploy clean hydrogen.  


Expected Outcomes:

  • Learn about the expanding use of hydrogen in applications across industries both internationally and in Japan.  The emphasis is on the “Dramatic Expansion of Hydrogen Use,” defined as Phase 1 of Japan’s Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.



IPHE Forum Yokohama:  Increasing Role of Hydrogen in the Economy

Welcome Addresses

Bernard FROIS, Chair of the IPHE

Hiroshige SEKO, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)  [Video Message]

Akihiko MIYAMOTO, President, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

Kazumi KOBAYASHI, Deputy Mayor of Yokohama City


Session 1: International Perspectives:  Increasing the Use of Hydrogen 

Leading jurisdictions are putting in place initiatives and taking action to demonstrate and deploy hydrogen technologies that will contribute to their medium and long-term economic and environmental objectives.  Speakers will present the hydrogen strategy in their country: the issues, the key drivers, the roadmap, and the next steps.


Session 2:  Actions in Japan: Applications and Views


Japan is a global leader in putting in place initiatives and taking action to demonstrate and deploy hydrogen technologies to help meet their medium and long-term economic and environmental objectives.  Speakers will present the hydrogen strategy in their organization, identifying the issues, the key drivers, the latest developments, and the next steps.

Closing Remarks

  • Daishu HARA, Director, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology Group, Advanced Battery and Hydrogen Technology Dept., NEDO

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