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IPHE Industry and Policy Forum Vienna: Increasing Role of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy
Vienna Austria | 10 April 2019

Countries are implementing policies and taking action to deploy fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) that meet their national circumstances. Policy goals driving action includes energy security and resiliency, jobs and economic growth, and environmental benefits by addressing climate change and local air quality objectives.
This Forum explores the opportunities, issues and concerns of companies providing components and systems to the commercial market and entities now taking action to integrate FCH into their operations. Discussions include the latest insights from leading companies on the business of supplying and deploying FCH technologies, and government officials and organisations assessing the potential for FCH and charged with providing advice to global stakeholders.
The frame of the issues include those identified in the Tokyo Statement of October 2018: Policies, regulations, codes & standards; Sharing information especially on safety and infrastructure issues; Assessing the role of hydrogen in enabling clean energy, industry, or transportation systems, including sector coupling; and, Communicating and engaging stakeholders about the challenges and opportunities of FCH. Addressing these issues will be crucial to accelerating the development and deployment of FCH in the economy.
Expected Outcome:
Clear understanding on actions by leading companies, international institutions, and governments on their approaches and opportunities to FCH integration in the economy, and,
New insights into addressing key issues to achieve increased FCH deployment in the economy including business cases enabling their commercial viability develop electro-mobility that includes both “Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)” and deploy clean hydrogen.
IPHE Industry and Policy Forum Vienna: Increasing Role of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy
Session 1: Welcome and Setting the Scene
Opening of the Forum: Tim KARLSSON, Executive Director, IPHE Secretariat
Welcome by the Host: Andreas WEBER, Cabinet of Minister Norbert HOFER, Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Objectives and Setting the Scene: Sunita SATYAPAL, Chair of the IPHE: Setting the Stage: Enabling Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Progress Through Global Collaboration
Session 2: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in the Economy: Industry Perspectives
Leading companies from component and system suppliers, to infrastructure developers, and leading industrialists will present their vision, identify the issues, and the actions necessary by industry and government to make a sound business case for FCH in the economy.
AVL: Georg LIST, AVL List GmbH, Vice President, Corporate Strategy: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen – Automotive Perspective
Linde: Markus BACHMEIER, Head of Hydrogen Solutions, Linde Hydrogen FuelTech: Hydrogen – Tomorrow’s Fuel Today
Magna: Guido BARTLOK, Program Manager Hydrogen Systems / R&D: Vision, Issues, and Actions
OMV: Michael SATTLER, Head of Future Mobility: Moving Hydrogen – Evolution Instead of Revolution
voestalpine: Johann PRAMMER, Head of Strategic Environmental Management: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in the Economy: Industry Perspectives
Session 3: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in the Economy: Governments' Perspectives
Understand the different national strategies for initiatives, programs and policies to enable the successful development and widespread deployment of FCH applications.
Germany: Klaus BONHOFF, Managing Director, Nationale Organisation Wasserstoff-und Brennstoffzellentechnologie – NOW GmbH
Japan: Masana EZAWA, Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Strategy Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Korea: Hae-Weon LEE, Principal Research Scientist, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Canada: Paula VIEIRA, Director, Transportation and Alternative Fuels Division, Natural Resources Canada
United States: Sunita SATYAPAL, Director, Fuel Cell Technologies Office, Department of Energy
Austria: Andreas DORDA, Deputy Head of Mobility and Transport Technologies Department, Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
Session 4: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in the Economy: International Institutions Perspective
Gain insights from international institutions on their most recent activities, including analyses and work underway to foster successful FCH market deployment and global impact.
International Energy Agency: Timur GüL, Head Energy Technology Policy Division, International Energy Agency: IEA’s Work on Hydrogen for the G20
Center for Hydrogen Safety: Nick BARILO, Director, Center for Hydrogen Safety: Introducing the Center for Hydrogen Safety
Session 5: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen in the Economy: Integrated Panel Discussion
Given the presentations and discussion of the day:
What are the key drivers that can enable and accelerate successful commercial deployment and use of FCH?
What are the issues that industry, and that governments need to address to continue to build supply chains and industrial capabilities leading to strong business cases for the use of FCH in the economy?
From Government
European Commission: José COTTA, Head of Unit G2 – Advanced Energy Production, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
Japan: Masana EZAWA, Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Strategy Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
United States: Sunita SATYAPAL, Director, Fuel Cell Technologies Office, Department of Energy
From Industry
AVL: Georg LIST, AVL List GmbH, Vice President, Corporate Strategy
Linde: Markus BACHMEIER, Head of Hydrogen Solutions, Linde Hydrogen FuelTech
Voestalpine: Johann PRAMMER, Head of Strategic Environmental Management
Close of the IPHE Forum