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HISTORY & structure

The formation of IPHE was facilitated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Transportation in 2003 to foster international cooperation on hydrogen and fuel cell R&D, common codes and standards, and information sharing on infrastructure development. Today, IPHE’s 22 partners organize, evaluate, and coordinate multinational research, development, and deployment programs that advance the introduction of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies on a global scale. 

Originally organized as "The International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy," the organization changed its official title to "The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy" in December 2009 (still abbreviated as IPHE). The Chair of IPHE is elected by IPHE members and typically serves a 2 year term, with the potential for renewal. Chairs have included: Canada, Germany, Japan, France, and the U.S.

Current Chair: Noé van HULST, The Netherlands

Current Vice-Chair: Sunita SATYAPAL, United States; Yukari HINO, Japan

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