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Prototype Test.
Prototype Test.
35 Act. - 39 Dev.
Prototype Test.
35 Act. - 39 Dev.
35 Act. - 39 Dev.
2,000 by 2020
36th Steering Committee Meeting
Virtual Event | 16 - 17 November 2021

36th IPHE Steering Committee Meeting Agenda (as of 14 Nov 2021)
Schedule-at-a-Glance (as of 20 Oct 2021)
Summary Registration List
Welcome by the Chair
Welcome by the IPHE Chair, Noé van Hulst
Developments in International Initiatives (Verbal Updates)
International Energy Agency: José BERMUDEZ, Energy Technology Policy Division
Hydrogen Energy Ministerial: Yukari HINO, Director, Advanced Energy Systems & Structure Division, HFC Strategy Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Clean Energy Ministerial H2 Initiative: Sunita SATYAPAL, Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, United States Department of Energy
Agenda Item 2.3 CEM Clean Hydrogen Initiative Update Presentation
Hydrogen in North-Western Europe - A Vision to 2030
Global Ports H2 Coalition
CEM Twin Cities Initiative
Launch Event: U.S. Center COP26 - H2 Twin Cities-Connecting Communities Around the World to Deploy Clean Hydrogen - YouTube
H2 Twin Cities launch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=Ck99gB7KY0w
DOE announcement: https://www.energy.gov/eere/articles/doe-helps-launch-h2-twin-cities-accelerate-global-hydrogen-deployment
H2 Twin Cities website: https://www.energy.gov/eere/h2twincities/h2-twin-cities
H2 Twin Cities handout: https://www.energy.gov/eere/h2twincities/articles/h2-twin-cities-fact-sheet
Mission Innovation Clean H2 Mission: Sunita SATYAPAL, Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, United States Department of Energy
Agenda Item 2.4 MI Clean Hydrogen Mission Update Presentation
Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valleys
Mission Innovation 2.0: Clean Hydrogen Mission link
MI Clean Hydrogen Launch Discussion Paper (08 Nov 2021)
Appendix 1: Determination and Prioritisation of Clean Hydrogen Mission Activities
Appendix 2: CSIRO Report - Hydrogen Research Development and Innovation: Global Priorities in Support of Clean Hydrogen Industry Development
Appendix 3: Carbon Trust Report - Hydrogen Production Innovation Priorities
26th Conference of the Parties: Iona MYLEK, Head, Hydrogen Strategy, United Kingdom Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Breakthrough Agenda:
Glasgow Breakthroughs Link to Summit Statement
COP26 Breakthrough Agenda on Renewable and Low-Carbon Hydrogen 02 Nov 2021
International Renewable Energy Agency: Tim KARLSSON, IPHE Secretariat
IRENA and IPHE MOU (5 Oct 2021)
World Economic Forum – Accelerating Clean Hydrogen: Tim KARLSSON, IPHE Secretariat
Agenda Item 2.6 & 2.7 IRENA and WEF International Initiatives Update Presentation
IRENA & WEF Enabling Measures Roadmap for Green Hydrogen
Country Reports
Australia | Presentation
Austria | Presentation
Brazil | Presentation
Canada | Presentation
China | Presentation
Costa Rica | Presentation
France | Presentation
Iceland | Presentation
India | Presentation
Japan | Presentation
Norway | Presentation
Republic of Korea | Presentation
Russian Federation | Presentation