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12th IPHE Education & Outreach Event

University of Pretoria, South Africa | 4 December 2018

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12th IPHE Education & Outreach Event Pre

The International Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the Economy (IPHE, is an international inter-governmental partnership whose objective is to accelerate the transition to clean and efficient energy and mobility systems using fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) technologies. It provides a forum for sharing information on policies and technology status, as well as on initiatives, codes, and standards to accelerate the cost-effective transition to the use of FCH globally.


IPHE also informs stakeholders and the public on the benefits of, and challenges to, establishing widespread commercial FCH systems in the economy. The IPHE’s 18 country and 1 regional (EU) partners have committed to collaborating to advance the commercialization FCH technologies in an effort to enhance the security and efficiency of their energy systems, to help address environmental objectives, and, to grow their economies.


An IPHE Education & Outreach Event is organized in conjunction with the semi-annual meeting of the IPHE Steering Committee. This half-day event provides an opportunity for students to meet inter-national experts and IPHE delegates, and, to exchange views and information on the developments in FCH technologies including an overview of the current technical and market status of FCH in different countries. It also offers the opportunity to learn about research and potential employment perspectives. The event language is English.


Dr. Rebecca MASERUMULE, Chief Director, Hydrogen and Energy, Department of Science and Technology: Drivers, Challenges and Strategy for FCH in South Africa

Dr. Sunita SATYAPAL, Chair of the IPHE: Enabling Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Progress Through Global Collaboration

Session 1:  Perspective on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) Developments in South Africa

​Session 2:  International Overview on FCH Developments

Session 3:  Poster Awards Ceremony
  • Award ceremony for top Doctoral Student posters

  • Award ceremony for top Masters Student posters


Summary and Closing Remarks​
  • Professor Kjell Hugo BENDIKSEN, Chair of the HySA Programme Advisory Board

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